RU Coached offers multiple options designed to optimize your relationship goals.
Executive and Workplace Coaching We offer executive coaching for C-suite executives who need support cultivating more cohesive team environments. We work with leaders interested in building teams where individuals feel valued and want to contribute to organizational success. Using the attributes of emotional intelligence to build and strengthen teams leads to increased retention and mitigates attrition. Most importantly, productivity and profitability goals are more likely to be realized.
Non-Romantic Relationship Coaching For those who desire support addressing conflict resolution between the client and one other non-romantic individual. You desire to repair a strained relationship with a family member or friend. You desire to address and work through the issues, while simultaneously learning to apply the attributes of emotional intelligence that can provide the foundation necessary for the relationship to survive. Romantic Relationship Coaching For those who want to communicate effectively and learn to successfully navigate the challenges of marital or dating relationships, while learning to apply the attributes of emotional intelligence to build and solidify your relationship foundation.
Maintenance Coaching Maintenance coaching sessions are available to check-in, to sustain your progress, or to introduce new areas for coaching for a discounted rate after our work together.
Why RU
To better professional relationships
To develop the skills and confidence to identify your person
To participate in non-romantic relationships that have become fractured and you don't know what to do
To build more fulfilling relationships or strengthen existing ones
Desired Clients
C-Suite Executives
Who want to become more effective leaders in their roles and earn the confidence of the teams they lead
Who want to build cohesive teams under girded with emotionally intelligent strategies that encourage individual growth
Want to increase team productivity and create a work environment where team members feel valued
Who want to make good decisions when faced with challenging circumstances
Professional Men and Women
Who desire or are currently participating in romantic relationships
Who want to participate in emotionally intelligent relationships
Who want to discover solutions that promote personal development and growth
Who are single, in committed relationships, divorced, or widowed
Non-romantic Relationship Participants
Could be parent/child, siblings, family members, or friends who desire support in conflict resolution
Who want to learn improved communication skills that aid to preserve the relationships that matter most